Golf Tracker Kit
The Golf Tracker application is built using the ASP.NET MVC 2 platform and it's built with various open source tools.It is a complete golf handicap tracking application that allows golf handicap directors to add and manage golf courses, and add and manage the players. It also allows the players to post their scores for a round of golf and then have the scores tracked over a period of time and it automatically calculates their handicap index based on their scores.

This application also makes use of Areas which is a newly included feature in version 2 of the MVC framework.
This downloadable kit comes ready to use, since the SQL Server database is included in the project so there's no need to install or setup your database with the standard version of SQL Server.
Video Series
Make sure you watch the complete 13-episode video series where I build the application from the ground up.DISCLAIMER - this is just a sample application to demonstrate some techniques in building an ASP.NET MVC application and it is not to be considered a production ready application.