Story Details for showcases

La Quinta Summer Golf Tour

Date Posted:
7/25/2014 2:35:57 PM
Date Updated:
7/25/2014 2:35:57 PM
0/0 votes
Programming Language:
jQuery, KendoUI, SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2013, bootstrap 3.x, Ninject, WebApi, mvcinstaller, SecurityGuard, iCalendarSharp, mvvm
jquery, kendoui, bootstrap, ninject, webapi, mvcinstalle, securityguard, icalendarsharp, mvvm
Demo site:
Home Page:

The La Quinta Summer Golf Tour

The La Quinta Summer Golf TourFor years the City of La Quinta in the Coachella Valley in Southern California ran their summer golf series during the hottest months from June through September.  This was to get golfers back on the golf courses and allow golfers to socialize and play some courses that they otherwise wouldn't get to play, since some of the courses are private.

And for these years, those persons who were running the series did it all manually.  Either with Excel or on paper or some other manner, but there was no web application built that allowed them to manage and run this series with much of the tedious work automated, such as results calculations, handicap calculating, assigning players to flights, allowing players to register online, etc.

Since I am a golfer, I played in the series in 2013 and my initial thought was "why didn't they have a web application that can handle most of the heavy lifting for them"?  So I approached the City of La Quinta and asked them that question and after sitting down with them for a few meetings, we came to an agreement on what I wanted to do for them and what they wanted the application to do.

I had about 30 days to build it because after that, the series for 2014 was going to start and it needed to work by then.  So I worked many long hours, which proved difficult at times since I was also having a personal emergency during that time.

So I set up a Windows Azure site for automatic deployments so my client could monitor the progress and make notes along the way.  This proved to be very helpful.  They loved being able to see the site in progress and I also could see it in action and see what was needed to make it work better.

I used all the latest technologies to build this and also built some components of my own to make this work.

Here are some of the features I built into this application:
  • Tournament Management
  • Player Management
  • Automatic participant registration
  • Scoring input
  • Handicap Calculations
  • Results generation
  • Foursome pairings
  • Notifying golf club of pairings
  • Teams
  • Guest registration
  • Member Profile management
  • Golf Course management
  • Email Blast custom notices to members
  • Manage settings on various application properties
  • Automated Register link cutoff
  • and more

My client has informed me this application has cut their tournament maintenance time down by 90%!

All in all, it was grueling but satisfying.

Technologies Used:
  • jQuery
  • Telerik's KendoUI
  • C#
  • Bootstrap 3.x
  • SQL Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Azure
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • MvcInstaller
  • SecurityGuard
  • iCalendarSharp
  • Ninject
  • WebApi
  • KendoUI MVVM


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