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In this episode of the Golf Tracker series, I'll be completely refactoring the Player vertical to allow for better handling and management of the players handicap indexes.
In this episode of the Golf Tracker series I'll be refactoring the Player vertical to handle specific issues and building custom classes to handle these issues.
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In this episode of the Golf Tracker series, I'll be getting new requirements from the client which will end up changing the application significantly. I'll go through the details of the requirements and an explanation of golf and handicap calculations.
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In this episode I work on the MVC presentation layer. This is the first work on the presentation layer where I implement dependency injection with Unity and make the Course vertical CRUD operations work.
I explain what T4 code-templates are and how you can customize them to generate custom controller code.
In this episode I start modifying the T4 Templates for the views in order to create a more customized view experience.
In this episode I get the Insert and Update methods to work so you can see that the strategy is working with the code templates.